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2023-10-10 12:05 来源:词楼网 点击:




Green bamboo shoots welcome out of the boat, white and red fish come to eat.


Look at the fish on the table. It's delicious! I can't help but eat them all into my stomach.


Spring leeks are cut in the rain at night, and yellow beams are made in the new cooking room.


Sponge cake roll is soft and smooth in taste, with a light orange flavor. It has a happy taste in the mouth.


There must be no meaning in the world. How can I get the jade and silk.


Food is nature. Chew quietly and savor gently. It's extraordinary.


Pig meal in European and American kitchen, delicious beef meal in halal Chinese beef restaurant.


The jade color is even when you rub your hands, and the green oil is deep and tender. Sleep in the spring at night to know the weight, flatten the arms of a beautiful woman.


A big piece of fish was put into the mouth and tasted carefully. The fish was really delicious.


Watermelon is a treasure all over the body. When the watermelon skin is fried for food, the pulp can quench thirst, clear the fire, and the seeds can also be fried for leisure. Watermelon is not a treasure all over the body.


The small porcelain bowl is filled with slippery old tofu. The diced carrots are slouched on it. The thin hand grabbing cake is wrapped in soup and caught by the taste buds. The tender coriander is fried at the tip of the tongue.


When around the wheat field for wild shepherd's purse, strong for the monk cottage cooking mountain soup.


In Xinjin, there are no leeks in the world, three feet in color like goose *, and more meat in the east gate.


The knife is delicate, and the fish slices are delicious, tender and smooth.


Zhoushan is most famous for its seafood. In autumn, people's favorite swimming crab is on the market. It's tender and delicious. It's a delicacy on the table.


Making food is like being a human being. You have to have real materials and solid ingredients, and you have to choose the best ones. Careful cooking will become a delicacy.


In autumn, frost and dew fill the east of the garden, and radish gives birth to children and mustard gives birth to grandchildren. I have the same satiety as he hate. I don't know why I have to eat chicken and porpoise.


Zongzi uses green reed leaves to wrap pure white glutinous rice and red dates. When they are cooked, they peel off the reed leaves. It seems that there are several dark red and bright agates embedded in the rice balls, which is very beautiful.


Delicious conch! The meat is tight, tough, moist and delicious!


Frost and vegetables are light and sweet, while spring is near the record of young plants without Cayratia. When you come back, you can cook it. You don't need to add half baht salt cheese.


Mom's fish is delicious. It's fresh, tender and juicy.


Dongmen buy bone and * orange sauce. Steamed chicken is the most famous, and it's not worth counting fish and turtles.


Every city has its own street view and food, but without you, it seems to be the same.


Silent fine under the flying snow, put the sheath did not feel the whole empty.


There are many varieties of watermelon, including the seedless melon with sweet Tianjin, the explosive melon with crispy skin, the water melon with much water, and the small and exquisite Phoenix melon.


When is the bright moon, I ask Qingtian about the wine. I can't drink enough, and the half sound taste is long. Sometimes I get the taste of wine, and the empty cup is always held.


The roasted sweet potato is burnt and covered with ashes. Smell it, and the fragrant smell will enter your viscera immediately, making your saliva flow for 3000 feet.


The fat and tender meat is burnt yellow, crispy and tender, and the thick fragrant juice is wrapped around it. Under the light, the light is a little oily, and the fragrant smell comes in bursts.


How I hope you are a delicious food. I will make a vacuum box to keep you fresh in my heart forever. No one can do it. You are my exclusive memory.


In the world, sweet and sour are as good as rivers.


No bamboo is vulgar, no meat is thin. Not vulgar and not thin, braised pork with bamboo shoots.


The beauty covers the present and the ancient, and the lotus blushes.


As long as you eat soft cheesecake, there is no depression. Soft and fragrant is the best small gift to comfort yourself or reward yourself!


When I see fish, my saliva flows. When I eat fish, I devour it.


The color is like a jade version of a cat's head bamboo shoot, which tastes like a camel's oxtail.


Watermelon is not only delicious for its meat, but also for its skin. Remove the green skin and leave the white part. Cut it into pieces and stir fry it. It's a delicious dish.


The Yangtze River is surrounded by the beautiful fish, and the good bamboo is linked to the mountain to taste the bamboo shoots.


Show scenery, show food, show work, show affection, show children. Open everyone's microblog circle of friends, it seems that everyone has a good life.


The purple camel's peak comes out of the green cauldron, and the water essence's plate runs on the plain scale; the rhino sheath has been eating the cauldron for a long time, and the Luan sword and thread cut the empty and tangled fibers; the yellow gate flying cauldron does not move the dust, and the Imperial chef delivers eight treasures in a stream.


In a short time, a large pot of pickled fish was robbed by our family.


The cake is named black peak of Feishi. It tastes greasy like Cong. Xiangjie knows that God is paid. Zhentong is the same as Jinju and hibiscus.


He waved two knives to the left and right, flying high in snow. Xuzhou's bald tail is short of memory, and hanyincha's head is far away. The snout bream is the best known for its plumpness. It is full of pleasure and bleakness.


When the sauerkraut fish first comes up, the fragrant fragrance will immediately come to you. The fragrance will fill the room, ensuring that your saliva will flow.